In the DacEasy Accounting & Payroll software, you can do the year end from the period end / year end. Moreover, you can contain transactions about 12 months in the Daceasy accounting & Payroll software. It is possible as each time you enter the 1997 date to which you want results the reports keep going back to the 1996 date. Moreover, the data will be in the Future period, not in the Current period. When you print the report such as Balance sheet, there is Select Period that contains Future. The meaning is that the transaction in 1997 is not the in your current year until year-end the current year. In your case, the current year is 1996. Make sure that the transaction can not more than 12 months. It is because even you enter the transaction which outside 12 months, the Daceasy accounting & payroll software will allow you to save also. Furthermore, all of the transactions will contain in the Future period. The software does not consider your transaction is in 1997 or not. All of them are in the Current period. On the other hand, the transaction will be something wrong when you year-end the current year.



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