3. Types of Client and Client
Handling in SB System
Cxxx : 1) For Runner Account, user may use it as Cash Client (Like
"A" Client)駁腳經記或現金客帳戶
one client cheque for each sold
trade, 每張沽出單跟一張客戶支票
no Cheque Contra 無對數支票
print stock receipt 可印證券收據
keep CCASS Stock Position (#) 中央結算股票買賣記帳
require settlement 需要輸入交收
do not calculate interest (##) 不會計算過期利息
2) If user has "Bank Trade" module, the Cxxx A/C will be
Bank Trade Account
do not print client cheque 沽貨不印客戶支票
no client cheque contra 無對數支票
do not print stock receipt 不可印證券收據
do not keep stock holding 全部股票買賣均不入帳
no settlement 不需輸入交收
3) For Finance Handling (SBFin) with Custodian client,
( Since Custodian Client will be Pxxx, the Finance Margin
Client will be Cxxx,
B/S Trades will be transferred to
SBFin System 買賣交易過帳至「財務系統」
do not print Client Cheque 沽貨不印客戶支票
do not print stock receipt 不可印證券收據
unsettled trades are set to settle
on T+2 day during System Start
keep T+0 & T+1 stock holding
only, stock will be transferred
to a special Finance Co Account if
the trade is settled
Axxx : Cash Client 現金客帳戶
For general users, may have Client Cheque
Contra within same trading day. 買賣交易可做對數
print stock receipt 可印證券收據
keep CCASS Stock Position (#)中央結算股票買賣記帳
require settlement 需要輸入交收
do not calculate interest (##) 不會計算過期利息
Ixxx : Internal Client(also knows as House a/c)
indicate "As principal"
on B/S Note 在買賣單據上標明「As Principal」
Operation like "M"
clients, include 處理上接近「孖展客」,如包括
no Client Cheque 不印客戶支票
no stock receipt 不可印證券收據
no settlement 不需輸入交收
keep all stock holding 全部股票買賣均入帳
can calculate interest and post to
client balance 可計算過期利息
Mxxx : Margin Client 孖展客
no Client Cheque & Dividend Cheque
no Stock Receipt
no settlement
keep all stock holding
Calculate Interest and post to client
Pxxx : 1) Cash Client like "A" Client,
Keep all stock holding like Margin Client
Print Client Cheque, allow Cheque Contra
within same day
print stock receipt
require settlement
can calculate interest, but will not
charge to client (##)
2) Custodian Client (CTDY_USER=.T.)
operation like Margin Client
do not print client cheque
do not print stock receipt
keep all stock holding
calculate interest and post to client
no settlement
3) Finance Company Margin Client (available in "Finance"
B/S Trades will be transferred to SBFin System
do not print Client Cheque
do not print stock receipt
unsettled trades are set to settle on T+2
day during System Start
keep T+0 & T+1 stock holding only,
stock will be transferred
to a special Finance Co Account if the
trade is settled
Bxxx : Broker Client (available in "Trade Through
Broker" module)
do not print B/S Note
do not print client cheque
do not print stock receipt
keep all stock holding
no settlement
no runner
Fxxx : Finance Company Margin Client (available in
"Finance" module)
B/S Trades will be transferred to SBFin
do not print Client Cheque
do not print stock receipt
unsettled trades are set to settle on T+2
day during System Start
keep T+0 & T+1 stock holding only,
stock will be transferred
to a special Finance Co Account if the
trade is settled
(#) For "C" & "A"
Clients, there is a setting in "(1.8) System Re-config"
to indicate SB how to handle "Stock Holding" for B/S
transactions :-
"Y" - Keep CCASS Stock Holding
"N" - Do not Keep Stock Holding
"A" - Keep All Stock Holding
In general, this setting will be "Y".
(##) In general, SB will not calculate interest for Cash Client ("C",
For "P" client, SB will calculate interest just for reference
Cash type usually do not calculate interest unless SB-13 Panelty Interest module is