(SB-5) 總賬會計系統 (PFS-LEDGER(N))

PFS-LEDGER is an Accounting Program for preparation of General Ledger of Accountings. Once voucher entries are entered, trial balance report are available. The system is specially designed to handle large amount of transaction and manage 24 months transactions Data from the PFS-STOCK can be transferred to this system directly. User can create own account number and descriptions. Financial reports can be user created and modified. (Price include construction one set of chart of account and two financial report format file namely PROFIT/LOSS STATEMENT, and BALANCE SHEET to fit your account numbering system. We provide this service for your convenience so that you can make data entry without knowing how to create account code. Create additional company report with a cost of HK$6,000.00/per)

Price : Single user version PFS-LEDGER HK$12,000
Network Version PFS-LEDGER HK$22,000


大眾電子的PFS-LEDGER總賬系統,簡稱GL,GLN可處理大銀碼交易,更可選擇直讀PFS-STOCK交易資料,記錄錢銀交易,建立應收應付賬.會計科目自訂或修改,財務報告亦可隨意編寫,更可處理一般業務及日常收支的處理.(售價包括編改同一公司名下兩項標準財務報告表:即資產負債表,及損益表) 每增加一套公司會計科目及報表,衹加HK$6,000

單用戶版PFS-LEDGER 售價 HK$12,000
可在網絡運作 PFS-LEDGER-N 售價 HK$22,000

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