SBR分行交易資料收集系統-批次傳送方式 各分行自行輸入交易,經電話線路傳回總公司,然後單出單,各分行可在入單 時確實交易額,不必人手計算,而且可以隨時查閱客戶記錄,上日存欠,存貨情 況等.. 此系統每天早上DAY START後將MASTER傳到各分行,由分行依據 查閱客戶資料,並於收市後將分行之交易資料傳回總行.
(訓練必需在總行施行) 使用本系統之要求: 要先有PFS-STOCK(N)(5.x版以上) 選擇使用適當的電話系統:- 直接聯線, 不可經分機.
(SB-8A)SBR Stock Broker System for branch Offices
Allow transaction data at the branch offices to be transferred to the main office via telephone line. User at the branch office can monitor stockholder list for all clients atthe branch office. Also the portfolio, settlement status and Margin positions status of aparticular client can be verified.(Note: Use brought forward balance from previous date plus current date entries. Data will not update main office until batch up-load.)
Price:- (SB8-A)-per branch HK$15,000