Since SB system was designed as a settlement system with summarized result for accounting purpose. It may not be possible to classify lump sum amount into its detail categories. Should user want to break down fund transactions into its accounting nature, classification during data entry with this add-on system will be required.

This module allow user to manage fund movement transactions into their nature.
e.g. User can define the fund transaction was an ‘Entitlement’, ‘Interest‘ or ’Handling Charge‘ .. etc. User may also use the categories to classify the fund received into specified banks. This system allow user to print transaction list according to this classifications. If an accounting system is used with the system, user will be able to setup the interface with these classification to the Accounting System.

(Plug-in of SB-1) Price: HK$15,000


sb-31.jpg (30328 bytes)


多帳戶收支分類系統,不止可處理多銀行戶口,方便分析每日銀行收款總數,並互相對帳,在支出項目,更可以將費用分類, 方便會計入帳, 此系統可將數據分類列印. (SB-1附件) HK$15,000

Note: 本系統可配合AccountLink將交易明細轉送到GL/AC Systems

(參考SB-34, Page 59 )


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