Pxxx : | 1) Cash Client like "A" Client, |
Keep all stock holding like Margin Client | |
Print Client Cheque, allow Cheque Contra within same day | |
print stock receipt | |
require settlement | |
can calculate interest, but will not charge to client (##) | |
2) Custodian Client (CTDY_USER=.T.) | |
operation like Margin Client | |
do not print client cheque | |
do not print stock receipt | |
keep all stock holding | |
calculate interest and post to client balance | |
no settlement | |
3) Finance Company Margin Client (SBF_USER=.T. & SBF3_USER=.T.) | |
All new release will use ‘F’ for clients of Finance Company. | |
B/S Trades will be transferred to SBFin System | |
do not print Client Cheque | |
do not print stock receipt | |
unsettled trades are set to settle on T+2 day during System Start | |
keep T+0 & T+1 stock holding only, stock will be transferred | |
to a special Finance Co Account if the trade is settled | |
Bxxx : | Broker Client (TBOB_USER=.T.) |
do not print B/S Note | |
do not print client cheque | |
do not print stock receipt | |
keep all stock holding | |
no settlement | |
no runner | Fxxx : | Finance Company Margin Client(SBF_USER=.T. & SBF3_USER=.T.) |
Finance Company Margin Client (SBF_USER=.T. & SBF3_USER=.T.) | |
B/S Trades will be transferred to SBFin System | |
do not print Client Cheque | |
do not print stock receipt | |
unsettled trades are set to settle on T+2 day during System Start | |
keep T+0 & T+1 stock holding only, stock will be transferred | |
to a special Finance Co Account if the trade is settled | |
Remarks: | s(#) For "C" & "A" Clits, there is a
setting in "(1.8) System Re-config" to indicate SB how to handle "Stock
Holding" for B/S transactions :- "KEEP CCASS PORTFOLIO FOR A/C & CASH TYPE
CLIENTS (Y/N/A)" "Y" - Keep CCASS Stock Holding "N" - Do not Keep Stock Holding "A" - Keep All Stock Holding In general, this setting will be "Y". |
(##)In general, SB will not calculate interest for Cash Client
("C", "A"). For "P" client, SB will calculate interest just for reference only. This is the case AC_HASINT='N'.Besides, AC_HASINT may have 2 more values:- AC_HASINT='C', SB will calculate interest for all cash clients ("C","A" & "P") just for reference purpose only.AC_HASINT='Y', SB will calculate interest and post to client balance,and an unsettled transaction will be generated to the unsettlementfile for that interest amount. |