Guidelines for the contents of Business Plans(Heng Seng Index user)


All membership applications should submit a Business Plan containing

(at a minimum) the following information:

1. Overview of the Business

An outline of the strategies and aims of the applicant, specifically addressing the following:

Group ownership chart showing holding company and fellow subsidiaries
Futures markets in which the applicant intends to participate
HKFE products which the applicant intends to trade
Source of client base
Types of accounts to be operated by clients, house and / or registered trader

2. Organization Chart

This should be a diagrammatic representation of:

The key departments approximate size and positions in those departments Job titles, job descriptions and names of proposed staff, if known (if unknown, the criteria for recruitment of such staff )

A description of the background and experience of key staff members should also be included (unless already covered by the shareholder and Director information supplied separately).

The applicant should specify a designated person to be responsible for ensuring compliance with the Rules of the Exchange. The relevant experience and qualifications of this person should be included.


3. Risk Management

The applicant should provide the details of:

Criteria to be used in the approval of new clients
Proposed-margining policies
Structure of any position limits
Structure of any position limits
Other guidelines and procedures in place to govern risk taking
Policies for house trading ( if applicable )

4. Operating System

A description of the actual of proposed software package to be used by the applicant along with a brief overview (narrative and / or flowchart ) of the intended operating system and procedures including the following areas:

Account opening and approval
order receiving and processing
Margin calculation, call and monitoring
Handling of client funds
Management information for controlling and monitoring risks

In particular the applicant should address additional manual procedures required to supplement possible limitations of packaged software ( e.g. Margin calculations for day trades ).

The applicant should at some stage provide a copy of the proposed Client Documentation ( as soon s it is available ).

5. Accounting System

A description of the actual or proposed software package to be used by the applicant along with a brief overview ( narrative and / or flowchart ) of the intended accounting system and procedures including the following area :

Accounts and reports to be produced and the frequency of reporting<> Monitoring and calculation of Adjusted Net Admissible Assets
Reconciliation procedures ( client accounts, bank accounts ), etc
Whether the system will be interfaced with the Operation System

6. Employee trading

The applicant should state its policy in relation to employees' and / or Directors trading and ( where applicable ) and give details of the intended procedures for monitoring employees' / Directors' trades and how there and how these will be communicated.

7. Proprietary trading

The applicant should outline whether it will participate in proprietary trading ( on behalf of the Member firm or any of its affiliated companies, whether inside or outside Hong Kong). In addition details of any omnibus accounts intended to be operated by affiliated companies and the nature of such accounts should be provided.

8. Financial information

Any proposals for the provision of subordinated loans etc. or the provision of financial support from the parent or other group companies should be specified together with procedures for ensuring compliance with the financial requirements of membership of the Exchange.

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