This categories of systems were developed for end user 3 years ago and now available for public. Source program are available for reuse by interesting parties. This means that these systems can be purchased with source code.
Interest party must have programmer with knowledge with Development Language named Clipper 5.x and these development tool is available from CA and not from POP.
Sold of these items will be as is basis and user must have related business knowledge for the further development. Supporting will be available for the first 3 months to assist your programmer to get start.
These programs are sold in non-exclusive manner which means that the purchaser will not claim sole owner of the system although they own the source code. User should not expect POP to make further development on these products unless there are sufficient market demand. However, POP reserve the right to make further development of these system and these additional work will not be upgraded to the party who has purchased any version of these programs.
以下各款系統,均以非專利方式連原程式發售,用家必須有專長CLIPPER語言人才,而本公司可提供為期3個月的諮詢性支援,目的為協助貴公司程式師掌握此等程式. 因此等程式以非專利條款售出,本公司可售于多客戶,亦保留自行繼續發展的權利. 購用者必須明白及同意此等條款.