(D-1) Computer Aided Matching System (CAMS)

Price: HK$250,000

This is a Dealing System & Order Matching System for Stock Trading Business.

This system has three main parts namely

1. Dealer Module,

2. Client Module, and

3. Administrator Module.

Client’s order can be entered either by AE.(Runner), or directly by client.

Client Module is used to collect client order from many terminals and display to the Dealing’s Monitor.

Dealer will follow the order sequence shown on Dealer Module, and transfer all order to the dealing system of the STOCK EXCHANGE as PENDING FOR MATCHING ORDERS. Dealer will also responsible to key in the matched order back to the CAMS

so that investor at the CLIENT MODULE will read the result.

The Administrator Module is used to maintain data files such as update the client balance of CAMS from the back office system, and transfer matched transactions to the back office system at the end of the transaction day.




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