
In addition to provide service to client directly, most stock broker also employ
Account Executives (A. E.) or Runner to serve their client and therefore require enough dealing staff to take all clients order and forward them to SEHK. Dealing staffs are also responsible to feed back matched order to clients via back office staffs. This operation procedure is very time sensitive and require extreme accuracy.

This is the reason CAMS is introduced

The full name of 'CAMS' is Computer Aided Matching System.

The objective to establish this system are:-

1. Using computer to establish a reliable & consisting operational
procedure so that human error can be avoided.

2. First-come first-service concept is incorporated into the system. It is not
alterable by participants so that FAIRNESS can be practically achieved.

3. Investor can participate the order entry process without intervention
from anybody and therefore, truly transparent to investors.

4. Instant status report and status display provides excellent aid for
investor to make proper judgment.

5. Built-in Credit control to limit investor from over-trade. The control
take effect from the time an order is placed, and therefore no time lag.

This system is not for 'Computer Aided Investment'. No decision will be given to investor or the system provider. There is no 'programmed trade' and it will not interrupt the market.


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