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Audio Visual Demonstrations 以影音示範
Note: SOME file size around 8MB and we suggest you to download
with boardband. 下載檔案接迎 8MB,建議用寬頻下載
歡迎蒞臨這個影音示範下載區, 在這裡有多緝的示範,採用了圖像及配上說明,效果同您蒞臨我們示範中心參觀示範的
下載後您可以反覆看,又可以與同事分享, 不用自己安排內部使用訓練的教材.
我們歡迎您的意見, 或建議新的內容.
How to use this section: | 如何下載 |
1. Click the item which you want to see | 請選擇以下項目 |
2. DownLoad the file (exe format) Please select download file, and when you are asked to select a file name to download, please add an 'e' to complete the file name. e.g. When this file name" intro.ex" is shown on the message box, please change it into "intro.exe" so that you can run the demonstration right away. (see reason at the end of this document) Then you can click the file and play the demonstration on your PC with SPEAKER |
點選後,請選擇下載,選擇其它亦沒法即時執行 下載時請將檔案名稱加一'e'字,才開始下載, 原因在本文末段有解釋 |
3. If you have winzip program, you may select download zip file. (If you do not have winzip, you need to unzip the file with other tools before you can play the demo ) |
如果您有解壓系統,可以選 zip尾的檔案 |
A. POP 系統之日常問題
1. Upgrade procedurePOP的股票後勤系統升級方法
2. Upgrade UtilitiesPOP的股票後勤系統更新後如何利用Utility將資料升級
3. SB System - Backup/Restore POP系統的資料備份及還原方法
4. SB System 之系統使用者戶口設定及授權使用系統功能的方法
5. SB System
6. 裝置POP系統中的ELI管理系統後的使用示範
7. 金融貓出生了,下載這使用示範 (PC有喇叭可聽講解) 下載時請將檔案名稱加一'e'字,才按下載)
8. CCASS/3 Stage 2
fallback to Stage 1 (procedural demonstration)
FRR (version effective from October 2002) 有關POP系統在處理2002年10月份生效的FRR安排
Explain what SB did for new FRR which will be effective from October 2002.
9. 有關FRR 第一輯
10 有關FRR 第二輯
B. General Ledger POP的總帳會計系統在報表格式上的修改步驟
1. Change Format File after adding new account
C. Fund Management System (FMS 2.0) POP的基金系統
一次過下載 zip
檔, 然後解壓在同一檔案夾內, 選按 fms_demo.exe,
或者逐項點選以下載有關項目, 下載以下各檔案, 放在同一檔案夾內, 用fms_demo.exe執行
0. Content
1. Introduction
2. Transactions - take client's order and place order to fund house
3. Transactions - Collect Confirmation from fund
house and send confirmations to client
Sample Reports
其它示範, 陸續有來
Question: Reason on changing file name extension from "ex" to
"exe" during download.
Answer: Since web server do not allow you run execution file by
clicking a file with "exe" extension, therefore, we fool the server
by cutting out the last "e" and the server will not run the
demonistration program on line, and instead, the server will ask
you to download and run the program on your PC. We suggest you to add
"e" after the the existing file name, so that you
need not do that later.
不會即時執行,可供下載. 當您下載時,在檔名加入'e'字,可以在下載後即時執行,比較方便.