Fund Management System (FMS 2.0) POP的基金系統 

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0. Content


2. Transactions - take client's order and place order to fund house            

3. Transactions - Collect Confirmation from fund house and send confirmations to client   
4. Sample Reports

Brief of feature lists: 功能簡介                       

This is a Back Office System for a Fund Agency with or without nominee service.

1. Maintain Client Master
2. Maintain Fund House Master
3. Maintain Fund Product Master
4. Maintain Group Order Master (for groups of clients who join monthly investments)
5. Transactions management 
    A. Data entries
    B. Audit Reports
    C. Netting on same fund with same discount ratio
    D. Approval of netting process
    E. Posting transactions for confirmation process upon receipt of confirmations.
6. Order Confirmation Process
    A. Confirmation of execution price and quantities.
    B. Distribute quantities to client's account according to investment amount
    C. Print Audit List
    D. Posting to client's statement
7. Reporting
    A. Statements to client
    B. Transaction Journal
    C. Fund Holder List
    D. House A/c (agency own account) Position report.
8. Administrations
    A. Allow user group setting (for default authorities)
    B. Allow user setup to follow access rights as the assigned group.
    C. House Keeping database maintenance.
------------------------------- end -------------------------------------
System Requirement: PC with windows 9x/NT/2OOO/XP, with 128MB RAM.
Display support 1024x768 resolution.
Printer: A4 Laser Printer 
For multi-user use: A file server (such as window2000 server)
Other server is acceptable, such as Novell, Linux