Ref: # corr1700
Subject: CCASS/3 stage 2 (18/8/2002) Testing Result
Congratulation !
All POP systems have passed CCASS/3 Stage 2 testing on 18/8/2002
A. All POP system users are able to
1. Upload ATI FILES
2. Upload SI FILES
3. Upload CCR FILES
in the new CCASS/3 STAGE 2 FORMAT.
B. All POP system users are able to down load all 48 CCASS reports
(SOME of you may have less reports due to subscripted functions. e.g. If you do not
have SI batch upload, you will not receive related reports)
C. All download CCASS reports are running on CVIEW PROGRAM successfully.
For THOSE who has failured in upload and download, please do not scare on the result. It was
just human errors. When you are in production run, just remember to:-
1. Enter the transmission date correctly.
Most people failed in filling wrong date. It should be 5/8/2002 rather then 18/8/2002.
POP has remarked this point and advise user to check with HKEX.
2. Update SB system to version 7.0 and up, AND REMEMBER to set the effective date on
1-8-1 (page 4)., Upgrade ATI to 5.0b, EPS 5.0a, SI system 2.5x.
Pay attention on POP's advise will solve most problems.
Please note that CCASS has all reports save to several folders, and you will not be able
to run the COMBINE.BAT batch file to put all RMF files into a single file.
However, POP will advise you how to do it before production run.
恭喜所有POP系統用戶,所有CCASS/3 STAGE之上載及下載功能,POP系統已經完全成功. 小部份用戶未能成
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