2. How to close a margin client's account ------------------------------------------------ Whenever a Margin Client decided to close an account, the stock broker will check the client's balance and ask for clearing their payment due. Usually, screen 7-5 will be used for this purpose. In 7-5, the total balance will be the current balance plus an accumulated interest. E.g. Current balance is 100,000 and month-to-date interest is 100 then the total balance will be 100,100.00 The client should pay the stock-broker with this total and the
amount will be entered to SB. The new total-balance However, the SB system actually keep the $100,000 principle and $100 accumulated interest in different location. SB system keep the principle for interest calculation with the
current balance instead of the total-balance to avoid The system will maintain the accumulated interest of amout 100.00
separately and will apply this amount to offset Note: The accumulated interest is a sum of daily interest calculated
by the computer daily and stored individually But the deposit of the amount 100,100 above will actually create a
new credit balance of 100,00 - 100,100 = 100 as The solution:- Yes, you need to make two entries to cancel out all remained
interest. The (old) solution:- This method is no longer used, it is used before we add M-3-3 with
SETTLE INTEREST. Alter the interest code for that client with a null value interest
rate. The null interest rate should be zero for both Warning: Remember to set the interest rate back normal ONLY WHEN
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