2. How to close a margin client's account
    Whenever a Margin Client decided to close an account, the stock broker will check the client's balance and ask for
    clearing their payment due.
    Usually, screen 7-5 will be used for this purpose. In 7-5, the total balance will be the current balance plus an
    accumulated interest.

    E.g. Current balance is 100,000 and month-to-date interest is 100 then the total balance will be 100,100.00

    The client should pay the stock-broker with this total and the amount will be entered to SB. The new total-balance
    will then become '0' (zero). This is in-fact a calculated result of:- $100,000 -$100 + $1000,100 = 0

    However, the SB system actually keep the $100,000 principle and $100 accumulated interest in different location.

    SB system keep the principle for interest calculation with the current balance instead of the total-balance to avoid
    compound rate on interest calculation.

    The system will maintain the accumulated interest of amout 100.00 separately and will apply this amount to offset
    the $100 surplus as a net balance zero from the beginning of next month.

    Note: The accumulated interest is a sum of daily interest calculated by the computer daily and stored individually
              by day.

    But the deposit of the amount 100,100 above will actually create a new credit balance of 100,00 - 100,100 = 100 as
    a principle for interest calculation from the newxt day onward.

    The solution:-
    After you enter receipt of $100,100 in M-3-3, you need to make another PAYMENT voucher of $100 to cancel out the
    access portion of the principle. Then  you need to enter a payment in M-3-3 for offset the accumulated   interest.
    Use this method, you will see the statement as:-
                                                  Dr                 Cr
     Balance B/F                     100,100
     Receipt (Close A/c)                                100,100
     Payment(Settle Interest )          100
     Payment(Settle Int = 'Y')                                100 <-- This $100 will appear only in Monthly statement as a reversed
                                                                                       entry of interest accrued.

     Yes, you need to make two entries to cancel out all remained interest.
     Note: This method also apply to 'P' client when 'P' type client is used as Custodain A/c.

    The (old) solution:-

    This method is no longer used, it is used before we add M-3-3 with SETTLE INTEREST.
    After printing a monthly statement (month-end process), and on starting the next trading date...

    Alter the interest code for that client with a null value interest rate. The null interest rate should be zero for both
    credit fingure $100 will zero out the accumulated interest (-$100) during the change-over of month.

    Warning: Remember to set the interest rate back normal ONLY WHEN ACTUAL TRANSACTION TAKE PLACE
                    even the client decided to reuse the account for trading before the end of the month. After changing of
                    month, it is free to recover the interest rate to normal because the principle balance become zero.

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