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1. SB如何過帳到  GL 會計系統. (更新中)
2. How to Close the Balance of Margin Client   如何結束孖展客戶(處理零頭利息).
3. Types of Clients and Client Handling in SB, SB客戶類別及處理方法
4. Client Name was repeatedly shown on Client Trading History Report,  為何客戶名稱重覆印在Client Trading History Report內
5. What effect will be bonus / warrant issue affecting margin clients stock price and stock value and subsequently affect the margin call.
6. Can SB print B/S note in other sequence such as by STOCK NO sequence.
7. What is Return Cheque Management,   回頭票管理是些什麼?.
8. What is mean by custodian account托管戶口.
9. What is mean by Finance Company Module, What is that use ?
10. How to print Bonus Advice note for 2 warrant issue ?
11. How to print daily statement at month-end when the M-T-D interest will be include to the statement.
12. What is the difference between "Client Balance" and "Principal Balance".
13. The relationship of the SR RECEIPT qty and the SB PORTFOLIO qty.
14. How to change interest rate when the Bank Association change prime rate.
15. How to select DAILY INTEREST and ANNUAL INTEREST setting for margin client interest rate table.
16. How SB make backup.
17. How SB deliver data to EPS system for portfolio checking.
18. What can POP manage SI job through the use of CCASS terminal.
19. What other products are working in associate with PFS-STOCK
20. How SB Manage Stock Allocations.
21. How to update cash client balance if interest accural are to be imposed to the client's balance. (AFH case)
22. Can PFS-CHQ+ make bank reconcilation with a statement file from bank as in the case of HAXEGON service from Hang Seng Bank ?
23. New Encryption of SB VERSION 5.1e (case as in SUNNY WORLD)
24. Can SB read CAMS data and how ?
25. How EPS works with SB together with SL system (see 17)  --- item 1 - 26 by HP ---
26. How SBFIN works with SB ? (Henry)
27. Can I make a settlement for Margins client on Saturday ? (Henry)
28. What is SB_OPT ? (HP)
29. What is the effect when user change settlement flag from unsettled to settled in the SB system of client Unsettled File and Broker Unsettled File (in the Data File Repair)?
If users use the Data Integrited Check, what can hey found ?
30. The following gives details on converting BOS data into SB (Michael)
31. How can I make a connectiong between head office and Branch ?(Henry)
Note: Branch office is now a station of the main office server and connections by means of modem (dial-up or 
          dedicated line) *** This is different from SBR module for branch office.
32. How the SEHK handle half day trading day with respect to the (HP)
33. Rounding Questions.
34. DVIEW (notes on installation of Dview)
35. DOS 1003 Veriable Does not Exit USER_KEY ... why ?
36. Consolidation of stock procedure.
37. ATI - when will SB transfer stock from '03' to '01'
38. ATI- when will ATI transfer stock from '01' to '03'..etc.
39. ATI- why ATI move all my stock in '03' to '01' and move stock from '01' to '03' the other day ?
40. Network - Notes on daily operations under network environment. BACKUP/FILE COPY/SHARE FILES
42. STOCK OPTION - An example of riskarry calculation - by manual method
43. SB modules - Why do I need those modules (SB之配件作用為何?)
44. How SB handle Trust A/c Balance 如何處理及計算TRUST A/C結餘
46. Client turnover 的問題(turnover,& rebate report)
47. 如何計算在中央結算系統內每一股票戶口的價值?
49. 如何計算平均價? (Trade Through Module)