7. What is mean by return cheque management 甚麼是回頭票管理 ?
Return cheque function was firstly requested by a client internally call it
a goldenway method of settlement.
There is a linkage between the SB and PFS-CHQ+ and effectively update the CHQ+
at the moment when a settlement transaction is entered. The principle is that SB will
search for a cheque number from PFS-CHQ+ when specify a receipt of returned-cheque.
The return cheque amount can be used to settle payment due, and balance amount can be
for issuance of a new cheque.
Return cheque will be marked as VOID in the bank book
and the balance cheque will be registered as an new cheque issue.
Some company does not want ot mark cheque a VOID, and
prefer to bank in these type of cheque
to bank for complete cheque number reconciliation.
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