SB-1 系統之客戶交收及一般運作處理方式參考資料


Cxxx : 1)For Runner Account, user may use it as Cash Client (Like "A" Client) one client cheque for each sold trade, no Cheque Contra
print stock receipt
keep CCASS Stock Position (#)
require settlement
do not calculate interest (##)
2)If user has Bank Trade, the Cxxx A/C will be Bank Trade Account(BANK_TRADE=.T.)
do not print client cheque
no client cheque contra
do not print stock receipt
do not keep stock holding
no settlement
3) For Finance Handling (SBFin) with Custodian client,( Since Custodian Client will be Pxxx, the Finance MarginClient will be Cxxx, SBF_USER=.T. SBF3_USER=.T. & CTDY_USER=.T.)
B/S Trades will be transferred to SBFin System
do not print Client Cheque
do not print stock receipt
unsettled trades are set to settle on T+2 day during System Startkeep T+0 & T+1 stock holding only, stock will be transferredto a special Finance Co Account if the trade is settled


Axxx : Cash Client
For general users, may have Client Cheque Contra within same trading day.
print stock receipt
keep CCASS Stock Position (#)
require settlement
do not calculate interest (##)
Ixxx : Internal Client
indicate "As principal" on B/S Note
Operation like "M" clients, include
no Client Cheque
n To stock receipt
no settlement
keep all stock holding
can calculate interest and post to client balance
Mxxx : Margin Client
no Client Cheque & Dividend Cheque
no Stock Receipt
no settlement
keep all stock holding
Calculate Interest and post to client balance


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